Things Only Adults Notice In Alita: Battle Angel

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Alita: Battle Angel takes place in a post-apocalyptic world that might not be filled with zombies or bizarre aliens, but a lot of crazy stuff still happens there. Some of it, however, will sail right over the heads of younger viewers. Here are the things that only adults will notice.

On any planet, it seems unlikely that a highly advanced cyborg would be tossed out in the trash. Well, except for the version of Earth that takes place in this anime and manga adaptation.

Even as-is — no limbs and basically just a brain, head, and torso — Alita contains very rare technology that can still sell for a lot of credits or be of value to someone. It's never explained why she's thrown away so casually and left out in the open. When she's found in the Iron City scrap yard by Doctor Ido, her face is easily visible — it's almost as if she was placed in that spot intentionally. Perhaps someone from the floating city of Zalem did it in the hopes of her being discovered and restored to her prime form.

Nonetheless, in her found state, which is pretty beat up, she'd still be extremely valuable.

After Ido brings Alita to his lab and gives her a new body, she wakes up in a place she's never been to before. She doesn't know where she is or how she got there. She doesn't even know her own name. Basically, her memory bank has been wiped out and she's starting over — as a 300-year-old teenager.

For most adults, it's hard to think that a cyborg like Alita wouldn't be somewhat frightened. She's either really good at compartmentalizing or just moves on fast. While it can be argued that she's simply a cyborg, not to mention a killing machine, it's important to mention that she has human emotions — she cries, falls in love, and perhaps most human of all, has empathy for a scrappy little dog. Keep watching the video to see all the things only adults notice in Alita: Battle Angel.

#Alita #AlitaBattleAngel

Down in the dumps | 0:16
No memories, no worries | 1:02
Ido is a helicopter dad | 1:55
That was fast | 2:51
Instant bounty hunters | 3:42
Prime real estate | 4:51

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