The Worst Things Mr. Burns Has Done On The Simpsons

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There are few evil characters who delight in their villainy more than Springfield's resident billionaire industrialist, Charles Montgomery Burns. And today, we’re looking at the worst things that Mr. Burns has ever done in the long history of The Simpsons.

In one of his most diabolical and high-profile acts of Bond-level villainy, Mr. Burns once constructed a giant disc designed to cast the entire town of Springfield in shadow for 24 hours per day. In effect, the plan was to force Springfield to rely on electricity supplied by his nuclear power plant rather than natural sunlight.

The act proved to be the catalyst for the infamous "Who Shot Mr. Burns?" two-part mystery that saw the entire town outraged by Burns for plenty of other reasons. Earlier in the episode, the town turned on him after he tapped an oil well beneath Springfield Elementary, causing the school to lose funding and the town to be plagued by environmental disaster.

The sun-blocking plan, however, was so vile that even Smithers broke rank and had to walk away from his life with Burns.

And after announcing his nefarious plan to the entire town, who are now armed to the teeth, Burns might've thought he'd crossed the threshold from infamy to invincibility, but a swift shot from an unlikely townsperson put an end to that perception. Still, Burns blocking the sun remains among his most high-profile acts of villainy. It showed that he was okay with the entire town wanting him dead if it meant a few more bucks in his wallet.

When The Simpsons returned for its seventh season, the finale of the "Who Shot Mr. Burns?" two-parter revealed that it wasn't the grand villainous plan to block out Springfield's sun, or even any of his other considerable acts of greed that got him shot. Instead, it was an even more craven and petty act. Keep watching the video to see all the worst things Mr. Burns has done on The Simpsons.

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Might as well be blockin' out the sun | 0:13
It's a little cliché | 1:24
One island nation, gently used | 2:04
Cruella Montgomery Burns | 3:13
Animal wrongs | 4:25

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