The 5 Best And 5 Worst DC Superhero Movies

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When it comes to movies, DC has made its fair share of superhero classics and epic bombs. And today, we’re looking at the greatest and lamest that DC has to offer. From men of steel to steel men, here are the five best and worst DC movies.

DC's first foray into feature-length superhero films came in 1966 with Batman, a 20th Century Fox production made in continuity to its groovy TV counterpart. 12 years later, after five years of haphazard pre-production, Superman joined his nocturnal chum and became the second superhero to get a major motion picture. With award-winning special effects, an excellent cast led by Christopher Reeve's near-perfect embodiment of the title character, and a script that deftly captures the spirit of the comics, Superman is considered a classic of both superhero films and cinema as a whole.

Unlike Batman, which is essentially a hammed-up spy film, Superman created a new storytelling architecture that's been used in nearly every hero franchise since. By following Clark Kent from Kryptonian baby and awkward Earth-teen to globally known paragon of good, the film effectively establishes the origin story structure. More importantly, Superman shows the burdens of its hero as both a protector and outsider, one of the genre's most mined resources. The film does have a few telltale signs of its age, such as a few disaster sequences that would have been more at home in one of the cheaper Godzilla movies, and some not-quite-benign romance dynamics. While it might seem quaint in comparison to present-day contemporaries, though, Superman is still a thoroughly engaging film that really will make you believe a man can fly.

While he's definitely best known for his legendary basketball career, Shaquille O'Neal is pretty notable for being the first big screen Iron Man... sort of. 1997's Steel follows the story of John Henry Irons, a brilliant weapons engineer who disavows his inventions after one of them permanently paralyzes his partner and close friend, Susan Sparks. When John Henry returns home to find that counterfeit copies of his weapons have made it into the hands of a neighborhood gang, he and Sparks set about to design a suit of armor that will transform him into a high-tech version of Superman.

Fans and critics alike often list Steel as one of DC's worst films, but it's not all bad. For one, Steel has the distinction of being the first African-American superhero film from DC or Marvel, beating out Marvel's Blade by a year. It also leans heavily into larger conflicts around class-exploitation and military industrialism, something few superhero movies are willing to do. At the end of the day, though, it's just not very good. Keep watching the video to see the 5 best and 5 worst DC superhero movies!

#DCMovies #DC

Best: Superman | 0:14
Worst: Steel | 1:27
Best: Wonder Woman | 2:20
Worst: Catwoman | 3:46
Best: The Dark Knight | 4:49
Worst: Man of Steel | 6:13
Best: Aquaman | 7:39
Worst: Suicide Squad | 8:53
Best: Batman: 9:52
Worst: Jonah Hex | 11:07

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