Anime Movies on Netflix That Should Be Required Viewing

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Streaming services that appeal to a larger variety of viewers than just anime fans have begun to add anime to their rotation, acknowledging that the medium is more than just a niche concern. On Netflix right now, there are anime films that run the gamut from old classics to modern hits. Here are some of the very best.

Before Hayao Miyazaki was a household name, he got his start co-writing and directing the 1979 film Lupin The Third: The Castle of Cagliostro. For this debut, he got to work with the international thief character Arsene Lupin, intellectual property of "Monkey Punch" Kazuhiko Kato, who himself "borrowed" the idea from French novelist Maurice Leblanc.

Lupin is the cheeky thief who likes to announce his heists before enacting them, dragging his loyal co-conspirators like Daisuke Jigen into the fray, and getting sidetracked by the sexy Fujiko Mine.

Those familiar with the Lupin The Third franchise will readily admit that Miyazaki's take on the character differs hugely from Monkey Punch's original manga, as well as from the countless anime adaptations that followed it.

In Cagliostro, Lupin discovers that he recently absconded with tons of counterfeit cash and decides to find its source. Once there, he meets a young lady named Clarisse who is betrothed, against her will, to Count Cagliostro. Lupin strikes a deal with his long-time nemesis, Interpol's Inspector Zenigata, to rescue Clarisse from this dismal fate.

Lupin's unselfish actions in this film aren't in keeping with the gentleman thief's usual modus operandi, but it is interesting to see how the film presages many of the themes and techniques Miyazaki would use in his films for years to come.

Watch the full video to hear about more anime movies on Netflix that should be required viewing.

#Anime #Netflix

Lupin III: The Castle of Cagliostro | 0:19
The Garden of Words | 1:48
A Silent Voice | 2:49
In This Corner of the World | 4:00
Miss Hokusai | 5:00
Mary and the Witch's Flower | 5:56
NiNoKuni | 7:08
Flavors of Youth | 8:03
Inuyasha the Movie: Affections Touching Across Time | 9:26
Berserk: The Golden Age Arc I - The Egg of the King | 10:36
Lu Over the Wall | 11:31

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