These Are The Best Movies Of 2020 So Far

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2020 has been an unusual year for movies, to say the least, but that doesn't mean audiences haven't been treated to some outstanding cinema. These are our picks for the best films of 2020 so far.

Suicide Squad wasn't exactly an auspicious first outing for Margot Robbie's portrayal of Harley Quinn, the Joker's violently psychotic girlfriend, but most critics agreed that she was the best part of an otherwise not-great film. Fortunately, 2020 gave Robbie and Harley a second chance, and they ran with it in Birds of Prey. This stylish superhero flick saw Harley at the center of a wild plot that led to the formation of an all-female team of vigilantes. Mary Elizabeth Winstead played the revenge-obsessed Huntress, a perfectly cast Rosie Perez joined in as Gotham CIty detective Renee Montoya, and Jurnee Smollett-Bell was the super-powered singer Black Canary.

Together, they worked to bring down a fantastically scenery-chewing Ewan McGregor as mobster Roman Sionis, better known as Black Mask, who has some very strong reasons for wanting them all dead. In other words, it's an action comedy heist ensemble superhero movie, and it pulls off each piece of that very well.

Birds of Prey scored pretty positive reviews from critics, who loved the female-led action sequences and a tighter focus on Robbie's more fully-developed Harley. With a potential sequel in the works, this hopefully isn't the last we've seen of Harley Quinn's solo exploits. Keep watching to learn about The Best Movies Of 2020 So Far!

#Movies #2020

Birds of Prey | 0:12
The Invisible Man | 1:26
Emma. | 2:19
Bad Boys for Life | 3:23
Onward | 4:22
Portrait of a Lady on Fire | 5:27

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