What Rotten Tomatoes Says Are The Best MCU Movies

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Based off everybody's favorite review aggregator, which MCU superhero is the most super? Which entry in this sprawling cinematic universe stands above the rest? Well, Marvel fans, assemble, because today we're looking at the best MCU movies according to Rotten Tomatoes.

Ant-Man and the Wasp was in the unenviable position of being the immediate follow-up to Infinity War when it hit theaters in July 2018. Marvel fans had been left reeling after Thanos’ infamous snap and were now left with a world where only fifty percent of their favorite heroes remained. It was the middle of summer, the height of blockbuster movie season, and there was only one thing the studio could do to save it: hand the box office reins over to Paul Rudd.

The film actually takes place just prior to the events of Infinity War, which keeps it unburdened by the heavy weight of lost Avengers. It’s a welcome break from a story that had delved into some pretty dark MCU territory, and it’s exactly where Rudd’s Scott Lang shines the brightest. The bulk of Ant-Man and the Wasp's story centers on a rescue mission to bring Janet van Dyne back from the quantum realm, while trying to fend off the sabotage attempts of a supervillain called Ghost. But there’s a good portion of it, along with a main source of comic relief, that comes from Lang's attempts to keep the FBI from discovering he's escaped his Civil War-imposed house arrest, using a giant ant as a decoy.

The whole thing is reminiscent of a simpler time for the MCU, a time where the biggest problem a hero had to face was more Earth-bound, and the entire fate of humanity didn’t lie in the balance. It's a light, easy film, made all the more enjoyable by Lang’s signature snark, and the banter between him and…well, everyone he comes into contact with.

Mostly, Ant-Man and the Wasp does a great job of showcasing how big of an asset Hope van Dyne, the Wasp half of this film's dynamic duo, is in the MCU. She proves to be much more than just a sidekick here, she's the glue that keeps this team together.

By 2016, we'd seen armies of alien goons, magic space rocks, superheroes, and political intrigue. But what we hadn't seen yet was straight-up ancient mysticism. Neither had Benedict Cumberbatch's Stephen Strange, an arrogant but brilliant surgeon who loses the use of his precious hands in a car accident and travels to an Asian monastery for treatment when his own failed experiments leave him destitute.

There, he learns of the sorcerers, led by the Ancient One, who use the mystic arts to protect Earth from all manner of other-dimensional threats. It's a solid MCU outing, and we're definitely looking forward to its sequel, Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness.

Granted, not everyone counts the movie as one of their all-time favorites, even if they like it, but what can't be denied is that Cumberbatch is simply wonderful in the starring role. He shows up frequently in other MCU movies and is rarely not one of the best things in them. In Ragnarok, he trapped Loki in a falling dimension for several minutes and sent Thor tumbling down the stairs. In Infinity War and Endgame, he was a source of collected reason and leadership when cool heads and battle plans were needed most. And in his own solo film, he wonderfully mixed aristocratic snark with genuine empathy for others, at least by the end of the film, anyway. Keep watching the video to see what Rotten Tomatoes says are the best MCU movies.

#MCU #RottenTomatoes

Ant-Man and the Wasp - 88% | 0:00
Doctor Strange - 89% | 2:01
Captain America: The Winter Soldier - 90% | 3:23
Spider-Man: Far From Home - 91% | 4:50
Guardians of the Galaxy - 91% | 5:57
Captain America: Civil War - 91% | 7:10
The Avengers - 92% | 8:37
Spider-Man: Homecoming - 92% | 9:57
Thor: Ragnarok - 93% | 11:10
Iron Man - 94% | 12:29
Avengers: Endgame - 94% | 13:46
Black Panther - 97% | 15:00

Read Full Article: https://www.looper.com/196007/the-best-mcu-movies-according-to-rotten-tomatoes/