The Most Expensive Things Destroyed While Filming

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Everyone expects some props to be destroyed during a film shoot. Every once in a while, though, something breaks that no one expected, or budgeted for. These are the costliest things destroyed while making movies, historic toilets and all.

When Jennifer Jason Leigh watched in horror as Kurt Russell smashes a replica of an authentic 1870s Martin guitar in The Hateful Eight, her reaction was entirely real, because Russell unknowingly destroyed the actual Martin, and not the replica.

Leigh was heartbroken: She'd just learned to play guitar on that Martin, and had even been allowed to take it home to practice. Before she learned it was a museum piece, Leigh had even inquired about the price, she was interested in taking it home once production was done.

Skyfall, the third James Bond movie to be filmed in Istanbul, might be the last filmed there after a stuntman crashed a motorcycle into a 330-year-old jewelry shop.

This opening chase sees Bond pursuing the villainous Patrice across the rooftops of Istanbul. It culminates in a dramatic crash through a breakable prop window into the tight, vibrant corridors of the Grand Bazaar. What you don't see is the immediate aftermath: Swerving to avoid packed throngs of extras, the stuntman lost control of his bike and smashed right through the real crystal glass window of a historic jewelry shop.

It's incredible how much preparation went into this scene, and how things went awry anyway. Keep watching the video to see the most expensive things destroyed while filming.


The Hateful Eight | 0:00
Skyfall | 1:05
The Dark Knight | 2:37
The Dark Knight Rises | 3:53
The Sacrifice | 4:40
The Master | 5:29
Battlestar Galactica | 6:30

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