TV Scenes That Terrified Actors In Real Life

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Sometimes TV actors find themselves in scenes that produce a very real fear response. From dangerous stunts to jump scares that proved way too heart-jolting, these are TV scenes that terrified actors in real life.

Signing up for Game of Thrones pretty much guarantees that you'll be trading blows and blades eventually. That action component appealed to Iain Glen, who played Jorah Mormont, the disgraced knight who transitioned from spying on Daenerys to becoming one of her most loyal servants.

As Glen explained to Elle, he loves stage fighting, but he was intimidated by the scale of Jorah's gladiatorial scene, which saw him take on multiple adversaries in the same hectic sequence. He said:

"I was pretty fearful...When it's that extensive of a fight I was fighting various people with different weapons things can happen. Accidents can happen."

Fortunately, everything worked out, and the scene became one of Glen's favorite memories of working on the show. He told Entertainment Weekly:

"The whole gladiatorial sequence...It was a very hard week and I loved doing that. So for the action side of things, that sequence encapsulated it."

"My little girl was there. You know, she watched her papa work. David said, 'Come sit here, you can call it,' and she was like, 'Action!'"

While that may have been the scariest scene to shoot, a different one proved too much to even watch. Glen admitted to Variety that he couldn't bring himself to watch Jorah fight in the Battle of Winterfell because he was too emotionally invested in the character.

Breaking Bad never shied away from grizzly and tragic deaths, but there was one that really shook up the cast and crew.

Krysten Ritter knew from the start that her character Jane had to die. But the scene where it happened, in which Jane chokes on her own vomit after taking heroin, was rough for everyone involved. Ritter said that during shooting, the crew struggled to watch the terrifyingly authentic scene, and that she had to take breaks because it was too overwhelming. Her mother can't even talk about it.

Another parent who struggled with the scene was Bryan Cranston. He said that as he was watching Ritter pretending to choke, he suddenly saw his own daughter in her place, his worst fear coming to life. It's the one scene from a very dark show that still makes him emotional. Keep watching the video to see the TV scenes that terrified actors in real life.

Game of Thrones: gladiatorial match | 0:00
Breaking Bad: overdose | 1:29
The Haunting of Hill House: jump scare | 2:30
The Walking Dead: razor death | 3:30
American Horror Story: spirit cameo | 4:33
Stranger Things: bathtub of ice | 5:34
Chilling Adventures of Sabrina: dark forces | 6:31
What We Do in the Shadows: fiery scare | 7:39
Mindhunter: terrifying hug | 8:35
American Horror Story: clowns | 9:45
True Blood: buried alive | 10:31

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