The Biggest Weakness Of These MCU Villains Explained

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Even the MCU's strongest and most charismatic villains have weak spots of their own, through which the hero winds up gaining the upper hand and saving the day. From Iron Monger to Killmonger, here are the biggest weaknesses of these MCU bad guys.

The Marvel Cinematic Universe got its start in 2008 with Iron Man, which introduced the world to Robert Downey Jr. as Tony Stark and laid the groundwork for the next ten years of genre-defining superhero movies. As iconic as the first Iron Man film is, however, we wouldn't blame you for forgetting about Obadiah Stane, the vicious opponent who inadvertently pushed Tony to transform from a brilliant but selfish arms dealer into a world-saving, self-sacrificing hero.

Stane was an old friend of Howard Stark, Tony's father, and served as CEO of Stark Industries after Howard's death until Tony was able to take over. Despite his fatherly demeanor, Stane coveted Tony's role as the man in charge, and he wound up throwing in his lot with the Ten Rings in an effort to get Tony out of the picture and regain control of the company. Stane simply was not content to be Tony's mentor and second-in-command, especially when Tony's conscience started cutting into Stark Industries' bottom line. He hoped to seize back the company from its idealistic CEO, and he created the Iron Monger suit to help him do just that.

Unfortunately for Stane, the greed that motivated him to steal a company was also what led to his ultimate demise. Not only did he pause to gloat rather than finishing Tony off, his rush to build his own Iron Man suit without Tony's brilliance backing it up left him with a powerful but crucially flawed design.

That combination of arrogance and greed, along with an unfortunate choice to open up his armor to brag face-to-face, put a quick end to Stane's career as a supervillain.

It's no secret that the children of Odin could use quite a bit of family therapy, although each of them seems to struggle with a different issue. The Allfather's youngest son, Loki, wrestles with a godly inferiority complex that pit him against his family and would come to threaten not just the world, but the entire universe. Even before he learned that he was actually the biological son of the Frost Giant king Laufey, Loki felt like he could never get out of his brother Thor's shadow.

After learning the truth of his origins, Loki's insecurity kicked into overdrive. He compensated by attempting to get rid of his brother entirely so that he wouldn't have to compete with him anymore, even though Thor himself never saw Loki as anything but a beloved brother. That anger even drove him to drop into the vast emptiness of space rather than accept his brother's mercy after his first defeat. Keep watching the video to see the biggest weaknesses of these MCU villains explained.


Iron Monger: Brought down by greed | 0:00
Loki: God-sized inferiority complex | 1:50
Ultron: Lack of vision | 3:25
Killmonger: Extremism | 4:27
Hela: Superiority complex | 5:46
Yon-Rogg: Sexism | 7:17
Thanos: Arrogance | 8:37
Mysterio: Bitterness | 9:41

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