Things About Thanos The MCU Completely Left Out

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If you only know Thanos from his role as the MCU's biggest bad guy, you're missing out on a few big puzzle pieces from the Mad Titan's long comics history. But don't worry! We're here to bring you the things about Thanos that didn't make it to the MCU.

In the MCU, Thanos is motivated in his mission of galactic genocide by an obsession with balance. It's the cause that makes him believe that for all of the horrors he's perpetrating, he's actually doing something noble and good, preventing the misery he experienced on his own home planet that came from overpopulation and strained resources. It's a pretty flawed belief, but he believes it to the very core of his being. Believe it or not, that's a pretty big departure from his comic book counterpart, who believes in ... nothing.

In several comics, including those written by his creator, Jim Starlin, Thanos is frequently referred to as "the ultimate nihilist." For those of you who slept through your early morning philosophy class or missed it in The Big Lebowski, nihilism is a philosophical movement that picked up steam in the mid-19th century. In its most basic form, nihilism states that nothing really exists or matters. It can be applied to different branches of philosophy, but it most commonly refers to existential nihilism (the belief that there's no intrinsic meaning or significance to life) or moral nihilism (the belief that one's actions are completely devoid of ethical value). In that view, doing something like, say, interplanetary mass murder is neither good nor evil. It simply is, with no more moral weight than eating a peanut butter sandwich or petting a dog.

That's what makes the Thanos of the comics such a compelling and frightening villain, especially when he's pitted against characters who almost universally represent the idea that one's abilities and actions do have meaning and consequence. Or, to put it another way, they have great power and, because of it, great responsibility. For Thanos, that responsibility just doesn't exist. He's not fighting the heroes because he hates them, he's fighting them because there's no reason not to. He's not trying to complete the Infinity Gauntlet because he wants to control the universe, but because attaining absolute control over reality is the only way to do literally anything that matters at all.

Watch the full video to see more things about Thanos the MCU completely left out.

#Thanos #MCU #Avengers

The Ultimate Nihilist | 0:14
Tainted Love | 2:04
Doing Things by Half | 3:39
A Suspiciously Familiar Origin | 5:16
Proud Punishing Papa | 7:14
Squirrel Girl Beatdown | 9:15

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