Rules The Cast Of Pawn Stars Are Forced To Follow

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There's a lot going on behind the scenes of Pawn Stars. Not only does the cast have to listen to producers, they also have to operate within the boundaries of Nevada's laws. Here are some of the rules that the cast of Pawn Stars have to follow, whether they're on camera or working in the shop.

At this point, it should come as no surprise to the fans of any reality TV show that what they're watching isn't always 100 percent authentic, and Pawn Stars is no different in that respect. But in fairness, with a show like Pawn Stars, it would be impossible to film a decent episode in a reasonable time frame without doing a little planning in advance.

One of the most important rules that the cast must follow is allowing the items that appear on each episode to be selected before the cameras start rolling. They can't simply let people in off the street and in front of the cameras with the hopes that it will make for good TV. It would just be too risky. So, when a seller brings a unique object up to the counter, the cast already knows what they're getting.

Every single day, many people come to Las Vegas just to swing by Gold & Silver Pawn Shop in hopes of catching a glimpse of the cast. But as much as the fans would probably love to hang around while the crew is shooting, it's just not possible. This is because the shop actually closes while new episodes are being filmed. After all, they can't have too many random people wandering around the set while trying to shoot, as it would probably result in countless fans attempting to get their faces on TV and getting in the way of the crew while they try to work.

The shop still does just fine on the business end, even though they do have to close on a regular basis for filming. So many people come by when the shop is open that they don't really have to operate on normal business hours to stay open. It's actually one of the most-visited tourist attractions in Las Vegas. Keep watching the video to see all the rules the cast of Pawn Stars are forced to follow.


No random items on Pawn Stars | 0:00
The shop shuts down during filming | 1:01
The Pawn Stars can't work the counter | 1:46
The sellers must be vetted | 2:29
The Pawn Stars are following a script | 3:18
Don't make the first offer | 4:08
What they can and can't buy | 5:02
Reporting to law enforcement | 5:43
The rule about appraising items | 6:50
The Pawn Stars are still working 9-5 | 7:40
The staff can't work with drunk sellers | 8:29
They can't sell certain items | 9:16

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