How The Old Guard Is Different From The Graphic Novel

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Based on Greg Rucka and Leandro Fernández's Image Comics series, the movie adaptation of The Old Guard hit Netflix in summer 2020 and we've got the major differences between the two right here.
Fair warning to all you mortals: Spoilers ahead for both the comic and movie.

The Old Guard follows a heroine named Andromache of Scythia, played by Charlize Theron. This apparently modern woman serves as the leader of a lively team of mercenaries, a group which also includes characters by the names of Booker, Joe, and Nicky. Those are actually the modernized versions of their names, because like Andromache, or 'Andy' for short, they're all immortal, and impossibly old.
The comic features numerous flashbacks to all their fascinating origin stories, and while Andy gets a few flashbacks in the film, her associates largely just tell, rather than show, their true natures. The comic goes into much more detail about who they are and how they came to be, so audience members who only watch the movie will miss out on dramatic, formative moments like the story of how Booker fought with Napoleon's army in the 1800s, or how lovers Joe and Nicky met when they were fighting on opposite sides during the Crusades.

In the comics, Andy is the classic lone wolf action hero with a dark and violent past, lots of secrets, and a reluctance to let anyone get past his emotional barriers. She also does whatever she can to make herself feel alive, if only for a little while.
The first issue opens with Andy walking away from a one-night-stand, not even wanting to know the guy's name on her way out the door. Readers also get a flashback to the time she fell in love with a former slave named Achilles, which ended when he got old and pushed her away. In the film version, Andy's romantic life isn't explored at all. All her feelings seem to be totally wrapped up in her devotion to her de facto family of mercenaries. Keep watching the video to see how The Old Guard is different from the graphic novel.


Telling, not showing | 0:00
No love for Andy | 1:00
Not a luddite | 1:34
An added action sequence | 2:27
A much nicer HQ | 3:14
Nile's expanded role | 3:50
Andy's old friend | 4:32

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