Things From Horror Movies That Aren't Scary Anymore

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What moviegoers find scary differs dramatically from person to person but everyone can agree that some horror movie tropes are totally played out. From zombies to creepy kids to haunted dolls, these are some horror movie staples that should be laid to rest.

There are plenty of terrifying movie monsters out there. But which one perfectly combines extreme gore and mindless violence into one flesh-eating package?

That's right. However, something strange has happened to these undead villains in the 21st century: Zombies just aren't as scary as they used to be.

Zombies lost a good chunk of their bite in the 2000s with films like Zombieland and Shaun of the Dead, which deliberately take all the gravitas out of the walking dead. Zombies became downright funny, and were also portrayed as increasingly easy to take out. Unlike other supernatural creatures, you don't need silver, holy water, or wooden stakes to dispatch a zombie. As long as you've got a couple long-range weapons and you're smart about how much noise you're making, you could probably live indefinitely in a zombie apocalypse. Who knows? You might even have the time to develop your very own undead transportation system.

Really, a lot of zombie movies these days tend to be blood-soaked comedies or action flicks, rather than outright horror films. The creatures just amble around, while armed civilians pick them off one by one or use them as visual punch lines. Many of these movies are seriously entertaining but they're not even close to being frightening.

Night of the Living Dead truly terrified audiences when it came out in 1968. However, more recent movies like Pride and Prejudice and Zombies and Little Monsters probably won't make you scream but they might make you laugh or even cheer.

Creepy kids are an understandably popular horror trope. Children are supposed to exemplify innocence, so to see that purity tainted by, say, a demon is definitely disturbing. From Damien in The Omen to the twins in The Shining, kids have been extraordinary tools of terror for decades. But this storytelling device has lost a whole lot of power in recent years.

#HorrorMovieTropes #HorrorMovies

Zombies have been done to death | 0:00
Creepy kids should be grounded | 1:38
Satanists aren't so devilish | 2:57
Found footage got lost | 3:51
Haunted dolls are for kids | 4:56

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