The Ending Of Schitt's Creek Explained

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Schitt's Creek, one of the sweetest shows on television, has sadly come to an end after six remarkable seasons. The brainchild of Dan Levy and his father comedy legend Eugene Levy this heartfelt, hilarious show was an instant classic right out of the gate.

And no wonder: The Rose Family is a truly unforgettable bunch. Eugene Levy plays Johnny Rose, the often flummoxed businessman father. Dan Levy plays his endlessly anxious son, David Rose. Then there's the eccentric matriarch Moira, played by the legendary Catherine O'Hara. And let's not forget David's spoiled but entirely lovable sister Alexis, played by Annie Murphy.

After the family's video store empire crumbles beneath them and leaves them penniless, the family is forced to relocate to the town of Schitt's Creek, which they once purchased as a joke.

Many of the show's earlier episodes revealed that the Roses were highly dissatisfied with their newly modest way of life. Every member of the Rose family eventually warms to their circumstances, even though they're cooped-up in adjoining rooms at the rundown Rosebud Motel.

In the pitch-perfect finale, the Levys and the cast and crew of Schitt's Creek let audiences say goodbye to the family in one final, surprisingly moving episode.

Most of the sixth and final season of Schitt's Creek was leading up to a big wedding. Well, in the final episode, David and his loving fiancé Patrick played by Noah Reid -- finally tie the knot.

Almost immediately, the proceedings hit a major snag: A storm hit the town and was expected to last all day. Sadly, David prioritized an outdoor pizza oven over a tent.

And since the officiant he hired only travels by pennyfarthing, the wedding has no venue and no one to preside over it. Since everyone else is too emotional to handle the ceremony, Moira steps up to the challenge.

Meanwhile, Patrick and ever-sarcastic Stevie played by Emily Hampshire work to find a wedding venue. Oh, and Patrick arranges a massage for David, which comes with… an extra surprise. After securing the town hall for the ceremony, Patrick and Stevie return to find David in an uncharacteristically good mood, and right away, he thanks Patrick for booking him such an unforgettable massage. Keep watching the video to see the ending of Schitt's Creek explained.


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