Super Teams We Want To See In The DCEU

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Some span the stars, some pound the pavement, and some work outside of reality altogether, but all of these superhero teams shared one thing in common: they'd be right at home on the silver screen. These are the DC teams we'd most like to see in the DCEU.

Sometimes known as the International Club of Heroes, the Batmen of All Nations debuted back in 1955. In Detective Comics #215, the legend of Batman has spread so widely across the world that imitators have emerged, in everywhere from Argentina to Italy. The Knight and the Squire clean up crime in England. The Gaucho rides through the streets of Argentina, protecting them from vicious criminals. The Musketeer takes down Parisian ne'er-do-wells in a plumed chapeau. This is straight-up Silver Age comic book story stuff, right down to the Knight and Squire's horse-shaped motorcycles.

You might think this would be a hard sell for modern audiences, but the Batmen of All Nations popped up in 2007's Batman #667, and the concept is as fresh today as it was the year it made its debut. With just a little fine-tuning, the idea of Batman-styled vigilantes the world over would fit smoothly into the DC universe. The DCEU's world is a highly interconnected one, with its modern-day global conversation moving at the lightspeed pace of social media. In fact, it might be stranger to imagine a world where there aren't Batman imitators. Bring on the Batmen from every corner of the globe, and let them redefine their group once more, this time, for DC's movie fans.

Not every incarnation of the Teen Titans has been a rousing success, but every single one has at least been pretty interesting. The very first lineup, referred to in earnest as "the Fab Foursome?" Hey, it was the '60s; you'd have loved it at the time. The soap opera melodrama that was the 1980s New Teen Titans? Who doesn't want their superpowered teenagers served with a side of angst, romance, and betrayal? And then there's the 2003 cartoon. You can bet any money that an entire generation has that theme song permanently stuck in their heads. Most recently is the wacky wonderland that is Teen Titans Go!, which has been running for an impressive seven years now. Keep watching the video to see the super teams we want to see in the DCEU


Batmen of All Nations | 0:00
Teen Titans | 1:48
Seven Soldiers of Victory | 3:02
The Zoo Crew | 4:40
Forever People | 6:19
Justice League International | 7:42
Hero Hotline | 8:41
Newsboy Legion | 9:57
Royal Flush Gang | 11:13

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