The Ending Of The Big Bang Theory Explained

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After 12 years and 279 episodes, The Big Bang Theory wrapped up its run in 2019 and the final shows were crammed full of references to past storylines and characters. Here's a look at everything that went down, and why it all matters to the overall Big Bang Theory universe.

Long-running sitcom finales almost always involve a big, dramatic event characters move away, or a romantic "will they or won't they" thread ends happily, or some other big goal is achieved. For a show like The Big Bang Theory, about adults who have almost all married and become successful in their professions, that kind of big change wouldn't have rung true. Instead, the writers found an ending that made sense for its world-class scientist characters, while also resolving a plot line that stretched throughout the show's 12th and final season.

Physicist Sheldon Cooper and his wife, neuroscientist Amy Farrah Fowler win the Nobel Prize for Physics for their work on super-asymmetry. It's the ultimate goal of every scientist and one Sheldon specifically and frequently mentioned throughout the series.

"You really think that I'm the kind of man who would sell out his partner for the chance of winning a Nobel Prize?"

Receiving this honor also gives the show an excuse for a big destination finale. So, you guessed it, the whole gang decides to accompany Sheldon and Amy to the Nobel awards ceremony in Sweden.

Over the course of nearly 300 episodes, The Big Bang Theory developed quite a few running gags, recurring bits, and even unsolved mysteries. The finale gave fans what they wanted, delivering on those lengthy setups and wrapping things up nicely along the way.

Viewers finally learn why Leonard dresses the way he does. Forever sporting at least two layers on his upper body, despite living in sunny California, Leonard reveals that he's always rocking a hooded sweatshirt because he's consistently "chilly." This, of course, is Sheldon's fault. He insists that the thermostat be kept at an uncomfortably low temperature. Keep watching the video to see the ending of The Big Bang Theory explained.

#EndingExplained #BigBangTheory

A prize-winning premise | 0:00
Unraveling the mysteries | 1:14
Into the unknown | 2:34
The Sheldon rebellion | 3:38
A moment of truth | 4:18
The end of the end | 5:33

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