Break The Rules Of Composition - #pldrules Challenge - Mike Browne

Admin 233643 Videos

Creative photo challenge this week is 'Break The Rules' of composition. Find a different way to arrange the elements of a composition within the frame and make it eye catching, different, maybe a bit edgy. When we see somthing the same way over and over again our brain get's bored and begins to yawn. What you shoot is up to you - house, car, aircraft, trees, starburst, elephant on a unicycle or a trampolining beaver, just avoid classic 'rules' of composition...

This Week's Competition Tag: #pldrules
PLD Challenge:

pldrules closes for entries: 23.59pm [UK Time] on Sunday 9th August 2020
Winners and feeback Live On Youtube: 19.00pm [UK GMT] on Thursday 13th August 2020.

Model: Karina Kinga Kiss