The Ending Of Umbrella Academy Season 2 Explained

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The second season of The Umbrella Academy follows the Hargreeves siblings as they navigate an unfamiliar decade fraught with challenges. It's a lot to keep track of, and if you reached the end of season two a little fuzzy on some of the details, we're here to help.

Lila is introduced as a fellow patient at the mental hospital where Diego is sent after he attempts to kill Lee Harvey Oswald and prevent the assassination of John F. Kennedy. After helping Diego escape and earning his trust, we learn that she is actually a time traveler herself. We also learn that her mother is the Handler, who adopted her after the Commission killed her parents in 1993.

Her backstory gets even more complicated than that, though. It turns out that the Handler ordered the murders of Lila's parents because she knew about Lila's special abilities. Lila was born on October 1, 1989, just like all of the Hargreeves siblings, as the result of one of the 43 mysterious pregnancies and births that we learned about at the beginning of the series. Hargreeves adopted seven of the babies, but the other 36 remained a mystery... until Lila. Like the Hargreeves siblings, Lila has her own unique powers; she can mimic anyone else's power, turning their own abilities back on them like a weaponized mirror -- which explains why the Handler wanted to claim her as her own.

When the Hargreeves clan arrive in the 1960s, they all assume the world was safe until 2019, when Vanya would blow up the moon and annihilate all life on Earth. However, when Five arrives in Dallas in 1963, he witnesses the last moments of his siblings' final stand against a Soviet invasion before an arsenal of nuclear missiles wipes them all out. Obviously, this was a different version of 1963 than the one in our history books, which leads Five to conclude that his siblings had somehow caused the apocalypse.

Over the ten days leading up to November 25, 1963, Five and the other Hargreeves siblings desperately attempt to piece together the events leading to doomsday. Eventually, it's Diego who uncovers the event that leads to nuclear war -- an explosion at the FBI building in Dallas, which is blamed on the USSR. The U.S. then attacks Soviet-backed Cuba, leading the USSR to bomb Anchorage, Alaska, which leads to all-out war. Keep watching the video to see the ending of Umbrella Academy season 2 explained.

#UmbrellaAcademy #EndingExplained

Who is Lila? | 0:00
The 1963 apocalypse | 1:16
Harlan's powers | 2:41
The Commission | 3:49
The Majestic 12 | 4:53
The Sparrow Academy | 6:04

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