Moments From The Big Bang Theory That Didn't Age Well

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The Big Bang Theory is loaded with jokes, references, plot lines, and character traits, but it wasn't all laughs. From creepy behavior to offensive jokes, here are some parts of The Big Bang Theory that just didn't age well.

The "Me Too" and "Time's Up" movements began in the entertainment industry, rooting out aggressive and inappropriate sexual and sexist behavior among powerful producers, studio heads, and actors. These movements turned into a cultural referendum on what is and isn't appropriate in labor, particularly male behavior toward women.

That led to a reconsideration of popular culture through this new social lens, and as a result, some parts of The Big Bang Theory haven't aged well. Particularly Sheldon Cooper's tendency to bluntly say whatever is on his mind without regard for social graces or the feelings of others. Sheldon did face consequences for his behavior on occasion - especially in later episodes - but his inappropriate remarks were almost always used purely as a source of comedy.

For example, in the 2013 episode "The Egg Salad Equivalency," Sheldon tells his assistant, Alex:

"A woman is like an egg salad sandwich on a warm Texas day."

When she expresses her confusion, Sheldon clarifies what he means.

"Full of eggs and only appealing for a short time."

But it gets worse...and racial. When Sheldon is forced to discuss this incident with African-American HR rep Janine, he doubles down, citing how women are "slaves" to their desires, even Janine. Yep, Sheldon called a Black woman a slave.

When The Big Bang Theory premiered in 2007, its entire conceit was a fairly original one, a mainstream, primetime network sitcom about nerds. Sheldon, Leonard, and the rest of the gang (except for Penny) worked as professional, top-level scientists. When they weren't researching lasers or theoretical physics down at the university, they'd gather to do things like watch sci-fi and fantasy TV shows or go to the comic book store. In other words, they engaged in stereotypical nerdy activities, with the implication that this prevented them from fitting in to society at large or landing dates. Keep watching the video to see all the moments from The Big Bang Theory that didn't age well.


Sheldon should've been fired | 0:00
Nerd doesn't mean outcast | 1:21
Gender stereotyping | 2:20
Will they or won't they? | 3:20
Mrs. Wolowitz | 4:21
Tired references | 5:12
LGBT jokes | 6:19
Howard's problematic behavior | 7:23
Rent as a touchstone musical | 8:14
"Cutting edge" technology | 9:00

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