Composition Ideas #plddeep - Mike Browne

Admin 232972 Videos

This time the challenge is In Deep. These are some potential composition and creative ideas for ways you could interpret the theme. Depth in an image, deep shadows or deep in thought are just 3 ideas I came up with. What will you do?

PLD is a series of creative photography challenges to help you see and be more creative in your photography. Click the link below to find out more and come meet the 3000+ photographers who are rocking it.

PLD Challenge:

This Week's Competition Tag: #plddeep

Steph Rebello & Dave Kai-Piper Fashion Shoot:

plddeep closes for entries: 23.59pm [UK Time] on Sunday 20th September 2020
Winners and feedback Live On Youtube: 19.00pm [UK GMT] on Thursday 24th September 2020.