Horror Stars Who Completely Vanished From Hollywood

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Sometimes even the most talented horror actors choose to hang up their hats and leave the industry eventually. No matter how much they loved making their movies, working in Hollywood for any period of time can be enough to burn anybody out.

John Franklin rose to prominence in the horror world when he starred as Isaac, the creepy young cult preacher in 1984's Children of the Corn. He went on to land a small role in 1988's Child's Play and later played Cousin Itt in The Addams Family and Addams Family Values. He could've easily continued acting, but the unexpected loss of two loved ones caused him to question whether or not he really wanted to keep working in showbiz. And after the events of September 11, 2001, he realized that he needed to take his life in a new direction. So he looked in the mirror and asked himself what his legacy was.

Franklin decided that he needed to take a break, and shortly after this realization, he responded to an ad for a teaching job. He spent over a decade in the classroom, which allowed him to combine his various passions by teaching English and screenwriting, among other subjects. Today, Franklin is slowly returning to acting by taking on parts as he sees fit, though he isn't pursuing those roles full time. Keep watching the video to see all the horror stars who completely vanished from Hollywood.


John Franklin | 0:00
Fairuza Balk | 1:16
Adrienne King | 2:14
Nick Castle | 3:17
Linda Blair | 4:16
David Dorfman | 5:32
Daveigh Chase | 6:36
Heather Langenkamp | 7:26
Heather Donahue | 8:26
Danny Lloyd | 9:26

Read Full Article: https://www.looper.com/226310/why-you-dont-see-these-horror-stars-anymore/