Composition Problems In #PLDFACE Challenge - Mike Browne

Admin 232973 Videos

This creative photography challenge theme is 'Let's Face It'. In this tutorial I'm exploring a couple of ways to compose an image to fit the brief and encountering problems along the way. Things don't work ou how we planned a lot in photography - so get used to it. Face in a crowd - there wasn't a crowd! Clock face, the light didn't work despite two location visits at different times of day. But every problem you face is carrying a gift for you in its hands, something to learn and carry away for next time. I look forward to seeing how you interpret the theme in the live feedback and judging session.

PLD is a series of creative photography challenges to help you see and be more creative in your photography. Click below to find out more.
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This Week's Competition Tag: #pldface

#pldface closes for entries: 23.59pm [UK Time] on Sunday 18th October 2020
Winners and feedback Live On Youtube: 19.00pm [UK GMT] on Thursday 22nd October 2020.