The Real Reason We Haven't Seen These Characters In The MCU Yet

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The MCU may be home to whole armies of heroes and villains, but some of Marvel's most popular characters have yet to cross over into Kevin Feige's epic franchise. But why? Here are the real reasons we haven't seen these Marvel characters show up in the MCU.

Also known as the Silver Surfer, Norrin Radd is one of Marvel's more deeply tragic heroes. In order to save his homeworld from the planet-devouring Galactus, Radd agrees to become the villain's herald — searching the spaceways for other planets to sate Galactus' never-ending hunger. He later stands up to Galactus in order to save the Earth, and is forced to confront the immeasurable death and destruction he has enabled as a herald.

Silver Surfer made his live-action debut in the 2007 bomb Fantastic 4: Rise of the Silver Surfer, a year before the MCU was born. There were widespread rumors that the space hero would make an appearance in 2018's Infinity War, too, but as it turned out, both Infinity War and Endgame came and went without any sign of the Surfer.

The first and most obvious reason for Surfer's MCU absence is that, until Disney's acquisition of Fox, Marvel Studios just didn't have the right to use him. While the acquisition began in 2018, it wasn't finalized until March 2019. So, in most likelihood Silver Surfer is going to have to wait in line until after the introduction of the Fantastic Four. Unless Marvel Studios plans to drastically change his origin, Silver Surfer can't be introduced without Galactus, and while Galactus could be featured without the Fantastic Four, it seems pretty unlikely — since Galactus is very much tied to their story. Think of it this way: Introducing the Silver Surfer to the MCU outside a Fantastic Four film would be like premiering Loki outside of Thor... or introducing the Red Skull in a Spider-Man flick. No first family, no surfer. That's the deal.

Keep watching for more about The Real Reason We Haven't Seen These Characters In The MCU Yet.

#MCU #Superheroes

Silver Surfer | 0:00
Adam Warlock | 1:50
The X-men | 3:14
The Fantastic Four | 4:33
Namor | 5:46
Wonder Man | 7:15
The Thunderbolts | 8:32
Hercules | 9:52

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