Things Only Adults Notice In The Croods

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When you make a cartoon about a prehistoric family, you usually end up taking a few liberties with reality. From caveman strength to Paleolithic physics, here are some things that only adults notice in The Croods.

The environment the Croods reside in is stark and barren. It's a dusty wasteland occupied by feisty birds and a cat-owl hybrid with a caveman vendetta. Don't sweat it though, kiddos, our ancestors are mighty and resilient. They can throw massive stones and run like the wind. It's a cartoon grab bag of Wile E. Coyote shenanigans. However, in the first few minutes — after an outstretched hall-of-fame catch sends him sliding headfirst into a boulder — the family's patriarch, Grug, throws out a light-hearted quip that will have parents raising an eyebrow or two.

After fighting tooth and nail for their breakfast, which is just one big egg, Grug ends up only getting a smidgeon of a portion by the time the family has had their fill. His response?

"Oh, that's all right. I ate last week."

Contextually, the joke works and sets a fun tone. But given all their physical advantages, it's surprising that the Croods are able to maintain their hulkish physiques eating only one egg per week. They need to eat in order to survive, and that's made clear throughout the journey. Maybe it's the caveman DNA, because once we meet Guy, he's a bit leaner and not nearly as strong as any of the Croods. That's an interesting fact given that he has an easier time getting food and even introduces them to the concept of "leftovers."

Watch the video for more Things Only Adults Notice In The Croods!

#TheCroods #Movies

Superhuman dieting | 0:00
Grug is extremely needy | 1:30
Mystery shells | 2:41
Choice of words | 3:47
Cultural similarities | 5:01
Fast fire | 6:17
immune to falling | 7:16
Easy animal taming | 8:29
A lot like Avatar | 9:19

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