WandaVision Episode 2 Ending Explained

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Starring Elizabeth Olsen and Paul Bettany as Wanda Maximoff and Vision, respectively, the aptly titled WandaVision made its double-header debut on January 15, 2021. The series has quickly established its aesthetic as one of mystery and parody. Here's where we are at the end of WandaVision episode 2.

For as entertaining as WandaVision is proving to be, it's impossible to ignore the fact that the show's very existence seems to go against the current MCU timeline. Vision is supposed to still be dead after Thanos' forceful removal of the Mind Stone from his head, and Wanda certainly wasn't alive in the 1950s or '60s. The first episode of WandaVision doesn't delve too deeply into what's really going on, but the second ups the ante in a big way, with some hints about what's happening.

Early on in the episode, Wanda takes notice of something sitting in her front-yard bushes: a small toy helicopter with a mysterious sword emblem on its side -- which seems like a clear reference to a S.H.I.E.L.D.-like organization in the comics called S.W.O.R.D. Later, during Wanda's meeting with the neighborhood organizer Dottie, a nearby radio begins to speak directly to her.

The odd occurrences don't stop there.

Following her and Vision's successful magic act at the Westview talent show, the two go home, but there's no time for celebration. They're alerted by a loud noise outside, prompting them to investigate it. What they find is a person, wearing a beekeeper suit with bees flying around him, crawling out of a manhole. The man's identity remains unknown, but that same S.W.O.R.D.-looking logo is adorned on the back of his outfit, implying his connection to the group.

So, what is S.W.O.R.D.? In the comics, the acronym stands for Sentient World Observation and Response Department, and it sort of functions similarly to S.H.I.E.L.D, but in space. Recently, meanwhile, promotional images for a Topps digital trading card set for WandaVision have been making the rounds on the internet -- and one of them features a breakdown of the organization's new acronym: the Sentient Weapon Observation and Response Department.

S.W.O.R.D.'s motives and their connection to Wanda and Vision's reality will likely be expanded upon in the coming weeks.

Watch this video for more about the ending of WandaVision episode 2 explained!

#Marvel #WandaMaximoff #Vision

S.W.O.R.D. looms large | 0:00
Watch out for Strücker | 2:15
Something more to the beekeeper? | 3:51
Baby fever | 5:17
In living color | 7:17

Read Full Article: https://www.looper.com/312648/wandavision-episode-2-ending-explained/