Things Only Adults Noticed In Wonder Woman 1984

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Wonder Woman 1984 is a treat for all ages, but there are many aspects of it that only adult viewers grasp. From the film's most obscure references to its uncomfortable moments, these are all the things only adults notice in Wonder Woman 1984.

As the title implies, Wonder Woman 1984 picks up with Diana in the midst of one of Hollywood's favorite decades to portray: The 1980s. There's a lot to love about the '80s, from the decade's awesome music to its gleaming video stores. And anyone who lived through the 1980s will recognize many real details from that time scattered throughout the set of Wonder Woman 1984.

Sparked by the public's obsession with fitness, people everywhere were donning spandex and leg warmers. In its earliest shots of people on the streets of DC, Wonder Woman 1984 offers a number of examples of this look. Speaking of fashion, no '80s setting would be complete with ridiculously over-the-top parachute pants and a whole lot of metallic fabric. Steve Trevor shows off a few of these looks when he and Diana attempt to find him an era-appropriate look.

Even the crosswalk signs in Wonder Woman 1984 are accurate to the time period. Before today's modern LEDs were installed in the early 2000's, the signage did indeed display the words "Walk/Don't Walk," rather than the current symbols representing a person in mid-stride.

Watch the video for more Things Only Adults Noticed In Wonder Woman 1984!

#WonderWoman #WW84

Totally '80s | 0:00
A huge, tiny mistake | 1:20
A familiar deadline | 2:30
The Star Wars program | 3:27
Barbara, let down your hair | 4:19
Invasion of the body snatcher | 5:12
Science? What science? | 6:22
All hail the King | 8:02
Daughter of Titans | 9:01
The original Wonder Woman returns | 10:00

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