The Biggest Unanswered Questions In WandaVision

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WandaVision started with many questions, and it ended with a bang. But although the MCU's most mysterious project answered many of its biggest questions, there was a lot still left to speculation after the last post-credits scene. Here are the biggest unanswered questions in WandaVision.

Not only would it have been really cool to get a Doctor Strange cameo in WandaVision, it's genuinely a little puzzling what the narrative reasoning could be behind it not happening.

For example, think about his appearance in 2017's Thor: Ragnarok. Thor and Loki are only in New York City a few minutes before Strange kidnaps Loki from a safe distance while leaving an invitation for Thor.

When Thor accepts the invite to Strange's Sanctum Sanctorum, he learns Loki is on a watchlist Strange keeps of threats to Earth and that he's understandably concerned about his return.

So Doctor Strange knows within minutes not only that Loki is back on Earth, but knows where he is with such specificity that he can capture him with a spell that doesn't affect anyone else. But a woman who we eventually learn is a legend among practitioners of magic creates a mystical pocket reality in the middle of New Jersey, resurrects her dead lover, creates two twin sons from scratch, and takes an entire town hostage in the process, and Strange couldn’t even take a quick trip to Westview to find out what's going on?

This may be addressed in the upcoming film Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness. One possible explanation is that — since WandaVision takes place not long after the events of 2019's Avengers: Endgame – Strange is too busy dealing with the fallout from that conflict to handle Westview or even be aware of it.

Watch the video for more of The Biggest Unanswered Questions In WandaVision!

#WandaVision #Marvel #MCU

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