Best And Worst Scenes In Godzilla Vs. Kong

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The highly anticipated beatdown between Godzilla and King Kong has finally arrived. It's a mega-dose of monster action, with a side of human moments that maybe aren't as good. Let's break down the best and worst scenes in Godzilla vs. Kong.

Don't worry – King Kong doesn't recite Shakespeare or start bad-mouthing Godzilla in the middle of their battle. But he has learnt to communicate in a very basic way in Godzilla vs. Kong. He's vowed to protect a young, deaf girl named Jia, a survivor of the Iwi tribe on Skull Island, and has forged a connection with her.

Jia converses with Dr. Ilene Andrews through American Sign Language, and in a surprisingly serene moment in a storm, it's revealed that Kong has picked up ASL from Jia.

On the way to Antarctica, Kong signs to Jia on the boat that he wants to go home; clearly, he's not happy about being chained to the deck of a cargo ship. It's a quiet moment before the bombastic action really kicks in, and it gives the audience a brief, tender insight into the connection between man and monster. It's arguably the film's only moment of genuine depth, but it works a treat.

Keep watching to see Best And Worst Scenes In Godzilla Vs. Kong.

#GodzillaVsKong #KingKong #Godzilla

Best: Kong speaks | 0:00
Worst: Madison, Josh and Bernie | 1:13
Best: The sea fight | 2:20
Worst: Sneaking around | 3:16
Best: The Hong Kong fight | 4:35
Worst: The "big twist" | 5:51

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