The Walking Dead Here's Negan Ending Explained

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The Walking Dead's tenth season finale puts the spotlight on one of the show's most notorious villains: Negan, and it's full of surprises. Here's how the episode plays out, and what it means.

The episode begins as Negan is exiled from the community he helped save. He's given a cozy little house outside of town, and asked to not return. While dealing with this unexpected exile, Negan has a vision of himself in the past, as the Negan we meet at the end of season 6. The presence of this previous version of himself implies that, while he's clearly changed a bit since he was defeated and locked away, parts of his old self are still there. Past-Negan chides present-day-Negan for trying to win over the Alexandrians by playing nice.

The "her" here refers to Lucille, Negan's trusty baseball bat. But, of course, it also refers to Lucille, Negan's wife, and the namesake of the bat.

Negan appears disturbed by the vision, but the next day, he goes to the tree where he believes his bat was buried after his showdown with Rick in season 8. This is when we get our first flashback, to twelve years in the past. Negan is tied to a chair and a gang leader called Baxter is interrogating him about where he found his supply of chemo drugs, which is somewhat of a rarity in the post-apocalypse.

It's clear that this Negan isn't the one we've come to know later on. He's less self-assured, has a hard time killing walkers, and doesn't quite have that swagger that has come to define his character. Negan begins to tell the story of how he got the chemo drugs.

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#TheWalkingDead #Negan #EndingExplained

Negan's exile | 0:00
Meet Lucille | 1:30
Negan revealed | 2:38
The birth of Negan | 3:49
Season 11 | 4:59

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