1080Ti CONFIRMED - WAN Show Feb 24, 2017

  • Tech
  • 59:02
  • 2017-2-25
  • 2017-2-25
Admin 233078 Videos

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Forum link: https://linustechtips.com/main/topic/743387-1080ti-confirmed-wan-show-feb-24-2017/

Soundcloud link: https://soundcloud.com/thewanshow/1080ti-confirmed-wan-show-feb-24-2017

Timestamps courtesy of JJMC89.

00:02:40 - Cloudbleed
00:07:03 - Google's Waymo sues Uber
00:15:54 - Ryzen
00:29:21 - Ryzen has issues with high-frequency DDR4 memory
00:30:50 - Disney nails free-roaming wireless power delivery
00:41:52 - Switch will not have Virtual Console at launch
00:44:56 - Microsoft is testing underwater data centers
00:45:36 - Sponsor: Freshbooks
00:47:32 - Sponsor: Epiphan
00:49:55 - Amazon refusing to hand over data on whether Alexa overheard a murder
00:53:40 - France uses eagles to destroy terrorists drones
00:54:46 - [Rumor] GTX 1080Ti to be announced on February 28
00:55:39 - Floatplane Club