Questions We Still Need Answers To After The Ozark Finale

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For four seasons, Netflix's "Ozark" has taken viewers on a long and dark journey into the criminal underbelly. Murders, cartel laundering, and other crimes have ratcheted up the stakes and made it clear that any of the charismatic main cast could meet their maker by the show's finale. Now that the series has definitively concluded, viewers are left with some major questions regarding their favorite characters and the possible fates they might suffer. And while the finale wrapped up some lingering plot threads, there are still some fates left ambiguous once the credits rolled. Here are the questions we still need answers to after the "Ozark" finale.

#Netflix #Ozark #Television

The fate of Ruth's fortune | 0:00
What will happen to Rachel? | 1:12
Three's future | 1:57
Getting back to Chicago | 2:49
Will the Byrdes stay clean? | 3:52
Does Jonah kill Mel? | 4:39

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