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Obi-Wan Kenobi episode sets the table for the rest of the Star Wars series. Obi-Wan rescues Leia, but learns the awful truth that Anakin is now Darth Vader. In this video we break down every Star wars easter Egg and connection to the prequels and the original trilogy.

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Written and Hosted by Ryan Arey (
Edited by Harriet Lengel-Enright, Randolf Nombrado, Sean Martin and Srinidhi Rao
Research by Srinidhi Rao

The episode begins on a transport ship to Daiyu, an anything goes planet where they deliberately block the wifi [we block the signals] what happens on daiyu, stays on daiyu. ScrreenCrush matt Singer pointed out that the design of Daiyu seems lifted from the concept art of Star Wars Underworlds, the live action TV series set on Coruscant that was never produced.

There are a lot of Aurebesh letters in this episode which I am going to translate for you a little bit later on. Be patient, it’s taking us a while.

Hey everyone, look, it’s Temura Morrison returning as a clone trooper begging for money. His aging is accelerated, meaning by the time the empire is overthrown, he’ll be an old man, like Rex.

Obi wan stares at him for a while, not just because he’s a reminder of the clone wars and orders 66–but this guy is weaning armor from the 501st. That’s the stormtrooper regiment attached to Anakin that killed younglings in the Jedi temple.

It’s also weird to think that this old man would be compelled to attack obi wan if he saw that he was a jedi. I liked this detail that the empire is not taking care of the ckone soldiers. Like the channel heavy spoilers pointed out, the show the bad batch has shown us how the empire cast aside their clones becaus e aclone warmy was too expensive to maintain.

A dealer tries to sell him drugs–I guess he has that look about him [wanna buy some death sticks?]. She mentions a spice called Kessel pure–and Kessel is the planet where spice is mined, like we saw in Solo and the clone wars. And the other planet she names is Felucia, which we first saw here in Revenge of the Sith [planet where bellybutton jedi does it rots].

And by the way that spice dealer is laid by esther rose mcgregor, the great niece of denis lawson, who played wedge antilles…and she’s also ewan mcgrgeoir’s daughter,

This aurubesh sign reads Swartz, named after star wars producer jon swartz.

And on this station sign we see a navigational map of the galaxy that has popped up all over star wars. And there is a lot of aurbe sh here that is blurry anbd hard to read. But we were abkle to make out All travelers must be cleared

Kamail Nanjiani plays a con man with a heart of gold pretending to be a jedi, and he is great [clip]. He promises this family safe passage to Corellia, home planet of Han Solo we saw in Solo. And he claims this kid is force sensitive, but that’s obviously a con to get the family to shell out some cash.

And man, this guy got ripped to be in Marvel and Star wars, and they keep hiding that body under robes and stuff. Come on, the guy lived off egg whites for a year! Let him show off.

As Obi wan searches the square, he twirls his mustache. Alec Guiness did this in a new hope [when he’s talking to luke in his house] and Ewan mcgregir later imitated this gesture at the d of revenge of the sith [dropping luke off]

When obi wan breaks into the space meth lab, he wears a mask that looks like Ralph maquarrie’s original design for Luke. Thanks Grogu, not baby Yoda, for that observation.

The guy who hassles him in the hallway is a Zabrak, the same species as Dartgh maul. ASnd bill scurry on twitter points out that this one is a Faleen, like Prince Xizor from shadows of the empire.

Obi wan escapes from the authorities by getting them high, a trick that was pioneered by cheech and chong [clip, ]

During the fight, notice how punching people really hurts his hands. Even when Ben was fighting in the wars, he wouldn;t have been punching people much, so his soft little jedi hands wouldn't be used to the pain.

He enters Leia’s cell, much like Luke does in A New Hope, when his name drops ben [I’m here with ben kenobi]. And Kinzie L on twitter points out that the way he bends down is very similar to how her hologram spoke to him in a new hope.

#ObiWanKenobi #EasterEggs #StarWars