Playing Diablo 4 with IRL Buffs and Debuffs

  • Gaming
  • 11:51
  • 2023-5-15
  • 2023-5-15
Admin 229504 Videos

"Pre-order 'Diablo IV' now for PC, and Xbox & Playstation consoles. Meet your maker on when the game launches on June 6th.

Two brave gamers, GameSpot's Dave Klein (Producer, 'How it Saved') and Fandom's Bailey Meyers (Writer, 'Honest Game Trailers'), tackle the dungeons of Diablo IV while contending with a series of buffs and debuffs... IRL. Watch as they team up to take on Lillth's minions, while suffering—or thriving—at the whims of our wicked wheel. Will they emerge triumphant? Can they take the heat? (Literally.)"