Movie Moments That Hollywood Failed To Deliver To Fans

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When you're a cinephile, you get used to disappointment. After all, Hollywood can't deliver the goods all the time. Sure, Infinity War was pretty great, but we've still got Justice League to deal with. Hunger Games might've torn it up at the box office, but Divergent couldn't quite make it to the finish line. Jurassic Park defined blockbuster cinema for a generation. Its sequel, The Lost World: Jurassic Park? Eh, not so much. That's how it's been forever, and yet it still stings when a film fails to meet our expectations, especially when that means bungling a scene that we've waited years, sometimes decades, to see unfold on the big screen. Here's a not-so-fond look back at movie moments that Hollywood failed to deliver...

The Phoenix rises (and falls) | 0:36
A Stark reality | 1:32
A Shire left unscoured | 2:24
Cursed cameos | 3:16
Buzzkill | 4:09
Later, Vader | 5:03

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