Please DON'T commit SUICIDE. You're not CRAZY, ALONE or EXPENDABLE!

  • Tech
  • 25:08
  • 2018-9-11
  • 2018-9-11
Admin 232995 Videos

This is my very personal & emotional story of my life long struggle with depression and multiple suicide attempts in recognition of National Suicide Prevention Day. This video will not be monetized or sponsored in any way, shape or form and is offered as an olive branch to anyone that needs it and I urge you to share it or make your own.

I made this video because I have a unique perspective on the subject including SSRI medication, physical & mental abuse and self loathing just to name a few things that lead me to attempting suicide multiple times throughout my life with my last attempt being as recent as last year.

I know this video will lose me subscribers and make me vulnerable to attacks and trolling by exposing vulnerabilities but I don't care about any of those things when compared to the good I hope this video can do if the right people see it that need help. I know that when I was in a dark place I could have used something like this to give me perspective and honestly, if I feel that way again in the future I can come back to it and this video may very well save my life at some point.