10 Best Long Takes in Film History REDUX

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We've been at this Movie List game for a long time, and we acknowledge that we've come a long way from our very first lists, from list format to choices to literal options. Looking back at our Long Takes list, we're re-ranking, re-shuffling, and re-making this list to reflect the CineFix of today.

The Picks:
Action Sequence Long Take - Creed (new)
Slow Cinema - The Mirror
Staging - Soy Cuba (new)
Magical and Surreal - La Ronde (new)
Introduction - Touch of Evil
Scene-in-a-bottle - Werckmeister Harmonies (new)
Welcome to the World - Goodfellas
Camera Complexity - Children of Men
Static Long Take - Flowers of Shanghai (new)
One Take Movies - Victoria (new)

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