Why Hawkeye Will Be More Important In Avengers: Endgame Than You Think

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We all knew that Hawkeye wouldn’t remain absent from Avengers 4 completely as he did from Infinity War - he is obviously going to be there for the Endgame and likely will be very important to the story. Despite the rumors mentioning it, seeing Clint Barton (Jeremy Renner) in his Ronin getup did pose a lot of questions about why he’s dressed up as a samurai assassin. The obvious assumption is that Barton’s family didn’t survive the snap and became “decimated” causing Barton to snap himself. When Black Widow (Scarlett Johansson) pops up in Japan to “visit” Barton, she has the same look on her face we all do - shock and confusion.

If we look at the Infinity comics run, we can guess that Hawkeye is going to be very important to Avengers 4. In the comics, Hawkeye spent his Ronin time taking out Skrulls - something that we know from the Captain Marvel trailer will indeed exist in the MCU universe before she makes her way back to Earth. Will Ronin be a Skrull hunter in Avengers 4?

During the comic run, Hawkeye also trained a new Hawkeye - a girl named Kate Bishop. With MCU’s Phase Three wrapping up, could Hawkeye also be playing a crucial part in setting up Phase Four, with a younger cast taking over the familiar roles? Barton might not get his own movie, but don’t underplay how important Hawkeye is to Endgame and the future of the MCU.

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