Venom Writer Teases A Spider-Man Crossover

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From the moment we all learned there would be a Venom movie, everyone wondered, “Would we see a Spider-Man crossover?” It could be anything, from Peter Parker just walking along to a full-on wall crawler dressed up in his finest Iron Spider. But alas, despite fans scouring the extras walking by as Eddie Brock (Tom Hardy) sulked around the streets of San Francisco, no Peter Parker (Tom Holland, or any of the other incarnations) appeared. But after the surprising success of Venom - take that critics! - it looks as though we may just get that Spider-Man appearance in the Venom-verse.

Jeff Pinkner, Venom co-writer, heavily alluded to the fact that Spider-Man and Venom could indeed meet up. Director Ruben Fleischer went a step further and stated that Tom Holland - and not another actor playing Spider-Man - would be the Spidey they’d use in a Venom/Spider-Man crossover. Does that mean that Venom is indeed part of the MCU? Well, it’s not that simple. Venom is still a Sony product, and technically Spider-Man is on loan to the MCU, so maybe it’s vice-versa, and Spider-Man is really in the Venom-verse? Look, it’s complicated.

The takeaway from this is that the success of Venom has reignited Sony and their comic movie division - but they aren’t about to let the Spider-Man Tom Holland crafted be replaced with their own Andrew Garfield version. It looks like Venom and Spider-Man will indeed meet - providing Spider-Man recovers from his decimation via Thanos’s snap.