Why These Superheroes May Wear The Infinity Gauntlet In Avengers 4

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Did it occur to you that some of the MCU superheroes may wear the infinity gauntlet in Avengers 4? Being that we’re in the endgame now, as astutely put by Doctor Strange in Infinity War, the key to unsnapping Thanos’ decimation might be that one of the Avengers or Guardians of the Galaxy might have to slide Thanos glove on and do something to reverse the effects of his dusting.

Captain America wearing Thanos glove seems like an obvious choice. Given Chris Evans insistence that he’s done with the MCU it makes logical sense that Cap might do something drastic and put on the glove and sacrifice himself to save the universe. Iron Man seems like an easy choice as well - Tony Stark’s (Robert Downey Jr.) story arch is practically complete - and the end seems right around the corner for the character. Does that mean that Iron Man will die in Avengers 4? And if so, will it be with a glove on his hand? RDJ’s contract is also up, so it’s quite possible that Iron Man is the one who undoes the snap.

But what about Hulk? He seems like a forgotten character of late - thanks to Thanos beating him up and then refusing to come out at the bequest of Bruce Banner. Actor Mark Ruffalo is on record speaking of this Hulk Trilogy in other movies: Thor: Ragnarok, Infinity War, and now Avengers 4. Maybe the end of Hulk is truly the end, with a Professor Hulk putting on Thanos’ glove and taking out the mad titan?

Captain America | 0:17
Iron Man | 1:35
Nebula | 2:26
The Hulk | 4:04
Thor | 5:03
Loki | 5:39
Ant-Man | 6:55