Uncomfortable Movie Scenes We'll Never Watch Again

Admin 233625 Videos

Some movie scenes are so hilarious, exciting, or romantic that we can go back to watch them again and again and never get tired of them. Then there are the other ones: the unsettling moments and creepy scenes that stick with us even if we only watched them once. Here are just a few of the uncomfortable movie scenes that we'll never, ever watch again.

#Movies #UncomfortableMovieScenes

Getting bloody | 0:20
"Tubby time" | 1:20
Wrestling 101 | 2:48
World's worst coffee | 4:17
A serious stomach ache | 5:25
An awkward home invasion | 6:32
Jared Leto needs a hand | 7:44
Going ape | 8:48
Postoperative creepiness | 10:03
On the beach | 11:02