This Is How Far The Avengers Actors Really Got In School

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The Avengers launched the careers of some of Hollywood's biggest stars. But just how did these celebs prepare themselves for life? Did they spend hours and hours studying, or did they toss away their books and try to gain some real-world experience instead? Here’s how far the Avengers all got in school.

According to late Marvel legend Stan Lee, Robert Downey Jr. was "born to be" Tony Stark. Growing up at the center of the avant-garde scene of the '70s with a writer-actress mother and filmmaker father, he made his on-screen debut at the age of five in Robert Downey Sr.'s movie Pound.

Downey Jr. told Vanity Fair in 2014 that his parents moved around a lot for work during this time, meaning he had to learn the craft along the way. While receiving a basic education in various cities, Downey also studied classical ballet at the Perry House in London and trained in acting at New York’s Stagedoor Manor Performing Arts Training Center. According to CNN, he dropped out of Santa Monica High School and attempted to to focus on his acting career.

Chris Evans always knew he wanted to be an actor. According to The New York Times, he spent his youth performing in school plays in his Massachusetts hometown, where he was voted "Most Theatrical." After graduating high school in the late '90s, the aspiring actor moved directly to New York City to pursue his professional career. In 2017, Evans told The Los Angeles Times:

"To be honest, it could be a cocktail of naiveté mixed with confidence but certainly at the time I didn't have much doubt. A lot of that I attribute it to the people around me, my parents, who said go for it. Go to New York. You can do it."

Evans may have opted out of attending college, but he did go on to train in method acting at the Lee Strasberg Theatre and Film Institute. Keep watching the video to learn how far the rest of the Avengers really got in school.

#Avengers #RobertDowneyJr #ScarlettJohansson

Robert Downey Jr. | 0:18
Chris Evans | 1:11
Mark Ruffalo | 1:56
Chris Hemsworth | 3:04
Scarlett Johansson | 3:57
Jeremy Renner | 4:44