Horror Movie Actors Who Went Too Far

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An actor isn't usually actually in harm's way when performing horrific scenarios for our entertainment. But some stars throw caution to the wind, going above and beyond to ensure their performance conveys pure terror. Is it worth it? You decide.

How do you remake a Dario Argento classic like Suspiria? If you're Dakota Johnson, the star of the remake, the answer is that you commit. To an unhealthy degree.

The shooting conditions were brutal. The primary location was an abandoned hotel atop a mountain. The weather was dry and cold, resulting in constant discomfort among the cast. Plus, due to the 30 telephone poles on the building's roof, there was supposedly electricity pulsing through the building to the point that everyone was shocking each other. What's Johnson done since then? She's starting her own production company, hoping to create projects that showcase what she wants to do... Which, presumably, include non-electrified sets.

When film critic Roger Ebert asked Shelley Duvall what it was like working with master director Stanley Kubrick on The Shining, Duvall responded bluntly, calling it "almost unbearable." Kubrick's film is an acclaimed horror classic, but it arguably came at the cost of Duvall's sanity, who called shooting it "excruciating." For nine months, she put in at least 12 hours a day, screaming and crying, bearing the brunt of Kubrick's artistic impulses, one Hollywood legend goes that Kubrick asked for over 120 takes of a scene involving Duvall and a baseball bat. Keep watching the rest of the video to learn more about horror actors who went too far.

#Horror #HorrorClassics

Dakota Johnson in Suspiria | 0:16
Shelley Duvall in The Shining | 1:04
Marilyn Burns in The Texas Chainsaw Massacre | 2:08
Ellen Burstyn in The Exorcist | 2:49
Halle Berry in Gothika | 3:37
JoBeth Williams in Poltergeist | 4:11