The Untold Truth Of Captain Marvel

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Captain Marvel is one of Marvel Comics' most aspirational figures, and has inspired a passionate fanbase. But when a character has been around for this long, there are bound to be some unknown corners to their history - even for longtime fans.

It's hard to find a superhero identity that hasn't been held by multiple people at some point. From Batman to Thor, it's just part of the territory when it comes to shaking up the status quo. So it's no surprise that Carol Danvers is far from the first person to bear the mantle of Captain Marvel.

The first Captain Marvel was an alien named Mar-Vell, a member of the Kree species who was initially sent to Earth to observe it as a spy, disguising himself as a human scientist named Walter Lawson. He eventually took up the identity of a superhero to protect the very people he'd been sent to observe. But Mar-Vell died in 1982, succumbing to cancer as a part of Marvel's first graphic novel.

After the death of the first Captain Marvel, the name was passed on to Monica Rambeau, a New Orleans native who developed a variety of powers after being exposed to extra-dimensional energy. Despite having little to do with the original Captain Marvel, she spent some time using the name as a member of the Avengers, even serving as the team's leader at one point. After Monica, the name made its way back to two of Mar-Vell's descendents, a man named Genis-Vell, and then a woman named Phyla-Vell.

All the while, Carol Danvers was working in the wings as Ms. Marvel, with an origin story that tied her directly to Mar-Vell and his power set. It wasn't until 2012 that she advanced to take the name Captain Marvel for herself, putting her in the company of a rich legacy of heroes.

Watch the video for more about the untold truth of Captain Marvel.

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Legacy of power | 0:14
Doing the splits | 1:34
Detour from the Air Force | 2:32
Binary and beyond | 3:26
One really bad issue | 4:43
AKA Carol Danvers | 6:47