Why Captain Marvel Blew Everyone Away At The Box Office

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Captain Marvel blasted into theaters over its opening weekend with an astonishing domestic haul of over $150 million in ticket sales. Adding global receipts bumped that figure to a staggering $455 million, making it the sixth-highest global debut of all time.

While those numbers are impressive, when you step back and consider why the film did so well, it all comes into focus pretty quickly. From its impact on larger MCU storylines to some background on who Captain Marvel actually is, here are some of the top reasons that Carol Danvers' debut flew away with the box office. Spoilers ahead!

The elephant in the room for all things Marvel right now is Avengers: Endgame. Coming off last spring's anxiety-inducing third Avengers installment, at least half of the population is dying to see what happens next. The pent-up demand for Endgame has lent a boost to the Marvel movies that came out in the interim. Ant-Man and the Wasp pulled in a neat $617 million worldwide and Captain Marvel has made over two thirds that total in its first few days of release. While there are a ton of different factors for Captain Marvel's success, the backdrop of Endgame looming a mere seven weeks after its release date surely helped the movie soar to blockbuster heights.

keep watching to learn more about why Captain Marvel blew everyone away at the box office!

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