Why This Character From Us Looks So Familiar

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If you've seen the trailer for Us, Jordan Peele's follow-up to Get Out, then you probably noticed a familiar face or two in the mix particularly the family's matriarch, Adelaide. In case you didn't know, the name of the actress playing her is Lupita Nyong'o, and there's good reason she looks so familiar.

Like so many big screen successes before her, Lupita Nyong'o actually got her big break in television. After appearing in a couple of short films such as The Roadside, she was cast in the MTV Africa production Shuga. A daring and explicit series set in Kenya and designed to promote safe sex, awareness, and tolerance, Shuga has yet to air in the United States. But some people in Hollywood saw it and it turned out that was all she needed.

In 2013, America was finally introduced to Nyong'o, and it was worth the wait. Working alongside acting heavyweights like Michael Fassbender, Chiwetel Ejiofor, and Sarah Paulson, Nyong'o made her big screen debut in 12 Years a Slave as the tragically tormented Patsey. The performance earned raves from critics and audiences alike, culminating in Nyong'o taking home the Oscar for Best Supporting Actress.

After winning the oscar for 12 Years a Slave, Nyong'o was instantly catapulted to worldwide superstardom. But her next big role wasn't in acting at all it was as the face of the French luxury cosmetics and perfume company Lancôme, who signed Nyong'o in 2014. In the years since, she's helped propel the brand to new heights, while becoming a global fashion icon.

Unfortunately, Nyong'o's first big screen venture after 12 Years A Slave was less than memorable. A pulpy, action-packed thriller, 2014's Non-Stop starred Liam Neeson as a dude with a particular set of skills, only this time, on an airplane. It's a bombastic, often baffling piece of work that makes little use of its talented cast. That includes Nyong'o, whose brief turn as a flight attendant in transit barely registers among all the action movie bluster. Keep watching the video to find out why this character from Us looks so familiar!

#Us #LupitaNyong'o#WakandaForever

Sweet as Shuga | 0:18
12 Years a winner | 0:42
She was the face of Lancôme | 1:06
She flew Non-Stop with Neeson | 1:27
She took Broadway by storm | 1:55
The Maz Kanata effect | 2:48
The Queen of Katwe | 3:14
The music connection | 3:43
She defended Wakanda | 4:16