Set Moments That Will Change Everything About Game Of Thrones

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A peek behind the curtain on Game of Thrones will reveal a number of things that may surprise even the show’s most die-hard fans, from the special effects in play to the true-life relationships of the cast and crew. These are some of the most intriguing set images from the show’s production.

While it should come as no surprise that the real-life relationships between professional actors rarely mirror the characters they portray, it can still throw you for a loop to discover bitter onscreen rivals are in fact super-great buds.

Such was the case with Pedro Pascal, who played the fiery, doomed Oberyn Martell, and Hafþór Júlíus Björnsson, who played his sworn enemy, Ser Gregor Clegane. Their shocking duel in season 4 remains one of the most memorable moments of the series. That's why this picture of the two actors soaking up rays together seems so odd.

But while the difference between their onscreen and offscreen relationship may inspire a double take or two, that contrast in their real-life physiques is exactly how they were depicted on the show, with Björnsson towering over his svelte pal.

Anyone who has ever spent time on a set knows the important roles that stand-ins and stunt doubles play. These individuals provide coverage for the actors between, and sometimes even during, filming.

Actress Emilia Clarke's stand-in and stunt double, Rosie Mac, has received a good share of media attention over the course of the show's run, thanks in part to the backstage photos she often posts on her social media accounts. And you’ve got to admit: all these stand-ins look so similar to the show's famous leads that it's actually kinda difficult to tell them apart at first glance.

As important as the actors are in bringing the world of Game of Thrones to life, so too are the crew members. Naturally, a story this epic in scope and length requires hundreds of professionals working tirelessly at their craft.

Among the most important of these crew members is Deborah Riley, who serves as the series' lead production designer. One of the reasons the show has caught on with so many people is because it feels so real. Of course, it feels so real because much of it is: many of the grand locales are shot on location, rather than on a stage or studio backlot.

But this illusion is further cemented by the intricate, but subtle, set decoration and design, which captures the viewer's attention without being so dazzling as to distract from the drama of the story or the performances of the actors. Keep watching the video to see set moments that will change everything about Game of Thrones!

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Best of enemies | 0:15
Seeing doubles | 0:58
Setting the stage | 1:26
World building | 2:15
Imagined Dragons | 2:51
Ice and fire | 3:37
A happy reunion | 4:07