The Original Rogue One Ending Would've Changed Everything

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In Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, virtually every main character is killed during the film's climax… but in the original version, though, Jyn Erso and Cassian Andor actually survive. How would the events of the original Star Wars trilogy have been different if these two heroes made it out alive?

Jyn Erso was the main protagonist of Rogue One. She included elements of Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia and Han Solo all rolled into her personality, and would've fit right in with all of them in the Rebellion's inner circle if she'd survived. She effectively leads the mission to steal the Death Star plans, and shows off clever planning skills, bravery, and leadership abilities that could certainly come in handy during the hard years that would follow the Battle of Scarif… if she'd survived.

From the escape from the Death Star to the frozen battlefields of Hoth, it's tough to imagine a battle in which Jyn wouldn't be an asset. You also have to wonder if she could've found herself as part of a love triangle with Princess Leia and a smitten Han Solo. If she had, would there have ever been a Kylo Ren to cause all that trouble in The Force Awakens?

We meet Cassian Andor well into his career as a spy, and from his very first moments, it's clear he handles the uglier side of the hope-filled Rebellion. Keep watching the video to see how the original Rogue One ending would've changed everything!

#RogueOne #StarWars

Jyn Erso | 0:16
Cassian Andor | 1:03
Saw Gerrera | 1:53
Chirrut Îmwe and Baze Malbus | 3:01
Bodhi Rook | 3:50
Orson Krennic | 4:22
Galen Erso | 5:02
K-2SO | 5:35