How Endgame Actors Reacted To The Movie's Biggest Moments

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For the most part, the cast of Avengers: Endgame was in the dark just as much as the fans when it came to the movie's plot developments. Here's how they reacted when they got the news about what would be happening to Earth's Mightiest Heroes in the war against Thanos.

One of the most crowd-pleasing moments of Avengers: Endgame comes when Tony Stark channels Black Sabbath one last time before wiping out Thanos and his forces with the Infinity Stones.

"I am Iron Man."

The move wins the day for the good guys with a fantastic callback, bringing the series full circle in what some fans would call a "crowning moment of awesome." It's just a perfect line for Tony, and one that wasn't in the script.

After Endgame was released, directors Anthony and Joe Russo revealed the line was added to the movie in reshoots, after editor Jeff Ford realized a response was needed for Thanos' final declaration of "I am inevitable."

The Russos brought Downey to dinner to pitch the reshoot, with Hollywood super-producer Joel Silver also tagging along. According to the Russos, Downey's reaction to his character's death was so powerful that he resisted being brought back to face it again.
It was apparently Silver an old friend of Downey's who managed to change his mind. According to the Russos, he responded to the actor's doubts with,

"Robert, what are you talking about? That's the greatest line I've ever heard! You gotta say this line! You have to do this!"

And like a snap, it was done.

Speaking to Jimmy Fallon on The Tonight Show, Winter Soldier actor Sebastian Stan discussed how tight the secrecy was while filming Endgame even more so than usual. When asked if he ever had any idea of what exactly he was filming. Keep watching the video to see who Endgame actors reacted to the movie's biggest moments!

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