Questions We Have After Watching Dark Phoenix

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In order for a phoenix to be reborn, it first has to die. And that's what Dark Phoenix is essentially about: the death of the X-Men franchise at Fox, so it may be gloriously reborn at Marvel Studios. But, wow, do we have some questions! Here's a spoiler-filled look at the biggest unanswered questions in Dark Phoenix.

At the beginning of Dark Phoenix, the X-Men go on a mission to save some astronauts menaced by a weird space cloud.

No, not that weird space cloud.

Not that one either. This is a totally different space cloud that turns out to be the Phoenix Force. And then bad things happen for two hours.

But that raises a big question: didn't Jean already have the Phoenix Force? Like, just in the last movie?

X-Men: Apocalypse was set in 1983, a full nine years before the events of Dark Phoenix. So if she just got the Phoenix Force now, what the heck was that all about?

At the climax of the film, the U.S. government decides to crack down on mutants, rounding up all the X-Men in a campaign to imprison mutants in concentration camps. The X-Men break free in a massive battle. But then what?

Yes, somehow after violently destroying a government train and leveling the countryside, at the cost of numerous U.S. military lives, the X-Men are then shown being totally fine back at school. So what happened? And what about all the other mutants in America, like the refugees on Magneto's island? Are they all still huddling in a mutant camp somewhere under armed guard?

#DarkPhoenix #XMen

Didn't Jean have the Phoenix Force? | 0:17
What happened to the other mutants? | 1:08
What happened to the timeline? | 1:40
What happened to the rest of the aliens? | 2:36
Did Quicksilver ever talk to Magneto? | 3:16
Why did they make this movie? | 4:08
Now what? | 4:41