11 Movies Famous Actors Regret Doing

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Many actors look back on certain movies without fondness, thanks to on-set problems, disappointing scripts, or any number of other problems. Here are just a few who regretted some of their roles, movies, and decisions.

The Help told the story of several maids and the families they worked for in 1960s Mississippi. Starring a packed cast of talented actresses including Viola Davis, Octavia Spencer, and Emma Stone, the film chronicled a white woman's mission to publish a book told from the perspective of Mississippi maids.

Even though Davis received her second Oscar nomination for the role, she has since admitted that she has reservations about her role in The Help. Davis has never been shy about speaking her mind, and for a film that was supposed to support those without a voice, she eventually decided that it fell short. The whole experience seems best summed up by her response to Empire when asked about what it was like to wear a fat suit:

"I like playing someone other than myself. It's only in hindsight that I go 'oh God, why did I do that?'"

Anyone who's ever opened a newspaper is familiar with Garfield, a surly orange cat who loves lasagna and hates Mondays. Most avid moviegoers are familiar with Bill Murray, the comedy legend who starred in famous films like Ghostbusters, Caddyshack, and Groundhog's Day.

When Garfield: The Movie was released in 2004, it baffled Murray's fans as to why the normally picky actor chose Garfield as one of his projects. As it turned out, Murray apparently assumed that the writer of the film, Joel Cohen, was one half of writer-director duo the Coen brothers, and Murray wanted to appear in one of their films.

Watch the video to see the rest of the 11 movies famous actors regret doing!

#Movies #Actors

Viola Davis: The Help | 0:13
Bill Murray: Garfield | 0:59
Dakota Johnson and Jamie Dornan: Fifty Shades Trilogy | 1:37
Emilia Clarke: Terminator Genisys | 2:28
Will Smith: After Earth | 3:33
Greta Gerwig and Ellen Page: To Rome with Love | 4:19
Ben Affleck: Daredevil | 5:20
George Clooney: Batman & Robin | 6:19
Sylvester Stallone: Stop! Or My Mom Will Shoot | 7:26
Bob Hoskins: Super Mario Bros. | 8:26
Robert Pattinson: Twilight | 9:22